
Look good. Feel great. Let go of insecurities. That's the power of Cryoskin.
Less Inhibition. 
More You.
No Photoshop.
No Filter.
We all have areas. Those little insecurities that can hold us back. We believe Cryoskin can help you to let those insecurities go, literally, so that you can look and feel incredible in your own skin.
We love the fact that Cryoskin works with your body’s biological processes, not against them. It effectively refines and enhances in a pain-free, non-invasive way. Leaving you with a #nofilter body.
Destroy fat and lose inches, all in 30 - 40 minutes. During a Slimming session the skin is warmed then rapidly cooled. Results are immediate. We recommend 5 - 10 session for the best results.
Say goodbye to cellulite and hello to muscle. Cold temperatures widen the blood vessels, increasing oxygen supply. This boosts collagen production, which breaks down cellulite, building muscle, leaving you with smooth, dimple free skin.
A Cryoskin facial uses cool temperatures to widen the blood vessels, increasing blood flow. This increase in oxygen supply boosts collagen production, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and pores and improves skin elasticity. A natural, non-invasive way to look younger and more radiant.
Pain & Performance.

Our pain and performance treatments can help with muscle pain, as well as some joint and muscle disorders, such as arthritis. The use of sub-zero temperature and heat promote quicker recovery and faster healing.
                                 Copyright CryoChakra 2020