
Please read and sign the Consultation Form and Consent Waiver prior to your first appointment.
Non-surgical facelift! Results seen immediately after one session.

Dramatic results that last weeks! We can’t stop the aging process, but a Cryoskin facial helps to stimulate major collagen production, lifts the face, and visibly reduces wrinkles. Treatments provided are Double Chin, Neck Lift, Decollate, Facial & Non-Surgical Facelift.

What are you waiting for?
Are you looking to remove cellulite or slow down the aging process? This is the treatment for you!

CryoToning helps diminish the appearance of cellulite, fine lines, and wrinkles. This treatment is commonly used for the face, legs, arms, glutes, and stomach. Cryotoning is a 20 minute procedure that applies only cold therapy causing local metabolism and vasoconstriction/vasodilation to improve the treated area. This boosts the production of collagen which eliminates cellulite, lifts & tones the area, improves skin elasticity, and reduces pore size.
Want to lose fat on your stomach, thighs, chin, arms or back?
This is the solution for you!

CryoSlimming uses sub-zero temperatures to prompt fat cell death without damage to the overlying skin. This process allows your body to naturally excrete the eliminated fat cells through the lymphatic system over the next two weeks after treatment. The treatment begins with two minutes of heat, followed by 20 minutes of cold at -4 Celsius.  (Following up by drinking 1.5 Liters of water and activities like exercise, inFared sauna, whole body vibration, or lymphatic massage aid in assisting the  process of elimination.)
We offer pain management and injury recovery treatments for athletes and individuals with acute and chronic pain. These individualized treatments speed up the bodies natural recovery process and promote localized healing and overall whole body wellness & functioning.

Its perfect for athletes experiencing joint and muscle soreness, or in need of rapid recovery, pain management, or experiencing long recovery times, our treatments can be modified to fit your maintenance or recovery needs.